Rust library

Introduction to the Tower library

One of the components of my OpenTelemetry demo is a Rust application built with the Axum web framework. In its description, axum mentions: axum doesn’t have its own middleware system but instead uses tower::Service. This means axum gets timeouts, tracing, compression, authorization, and more, for free. It also enables you to share middleware with applications written using hyper or tonic. — axum README So far, I was happy to let this cryptic explanation lurk in the corner of

testing assertion library software craftmanship

A comparison of assertion libraries

I was not a fan of assertions libraries at first. Whether assertions provided by the testing frameworks were enough is debatable. But those libraries provides the way to write custom assertions closer to the business language. While the intention is commendable, I always thought this path was a slippery slope. If one starts writing such custom assertions, then they need to be tested obviously. And then, when will it stop? However, there’s no denying assertion libraries make writing assert

display library table tabulated tag taglib

VIT: Very Important Taglib

Every application needs to display tabulated data. Well, web applications are no different. So, as an architect, your job is to provide a mechanism to handle these tables gracefully and equally in your whole application. First thing that comes to mind is the reuse of an existing mechanism to do so. Well, you’re lucky. If you don’t happen to have to use JSF, there’s a neat tag library that handles the job like a pro. For those that don’t remember what a taglib is, please