A Java Geek weekly 26

My final take on Gradle (vs. Maven)

In this post, I’d like to shed some light on my stance, so I can direct people to it instead of debunking the same "reasoning" repeatedly.

Is Europe better than America for working in tech?

Very interesting discussion about the reasons to work in Europe vs. to work in the US.

Intersection Types In TypeScript

The only other language I know that has intersection types is Scala. It’s an interesting feature, but wonder why I don’t miss it in the languages I’m using: is it because I’m not used to it or because the use-cases are few and far between?

Context: The Missing Feature of Programming Languages

I’m far from completely sold on the idea of context receivers in Kotlin, but the author is.

Linux Foundation Launches Open Source Valkey Community

The change to a more restrictive licence in Redis triggered it. It’s a strong warning to successful Open Source projects: if you change the licensing unilaterally, the community will fork it and the Linux Foundation will steer it.

How GitHub monopolized code hosting

A post like I like them: explaining the roots of something and trying to extrapolate to the future.

Gemini codelab for Java developers using LangChain4j
  • Making your fist call to Gemini (streaming & non-streaming)
  • Maintaining a conversation
  • Taking advantage of multimodality by analysing images with your prompts
  • Extracting structured information from unstructured text
  • Using prompt templates
  • Doing text classification with few-shot prompting
  • Implementing Retrieval Augmented Generation to chat with your documentation
  • How to do Function Calling to expand the LLM to interact with external APIs and services
Type Inference Was a Mistake

This post is the poster child for overgeneralization. The author has been bitten by type inference in their programming language of choice and extend their conclusion to the feature in general.

AI hallucinates software packages and devs download them – even if potentially poisoned with malware

More fun with AI, this time on supply chain security.

JavaScript Bloat in 2024

When size of required JavaScript for even simple sites is astounding.

« +33 » : la folle histoire derrière les indicatifs téléphoniques

À l’instar de la répartition des numéros de téléphones fixes et mobiles en France, l’indicatif téléphonique permet au monde entier de veiller à offrir à chaque ligne un numéro unique. En France, les numéros commencent par +33. Qui en a décidé ainsi ? Pour trouver l’explication, il faut remonter dans les années 1950.

The 14 pains of building your own billing system

Billing is initially an engineering problem rooted in a very very complex problem space which is really hard to understand even for industry veterans

Nicolas Fränkel

Nicolas Fränkel

Developer Advocate with 15+ years experience consulting for many different customers, in a wide range of contexts (such as telecoms, banking, insurances, large retail and public sector). Usually working on Java/Java EE and Spring technologies, but with focused interests like Rich Internet Applications, Testing, CI/CD and DevOps. Also double as a trainer and triples as a book author.

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A Java Geek weekly 26
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