automation workflow architecture

Automating a conference submission workflow: deploying to production

In the first post of this series, we detailed the setup of a software to automate submissions to conferences. In the second one, we configured the integration endpoints. This third post is dedicated to the deployment of the solution to production. To Cloud or not to Cloud? To decide what to do, the first step is to ask oneself whether to host: On-premiseIn the CloudOr even use my own machine First, let’s remove on-premise from the options. It wouldn’t make sense, as I’m th

automation workflow architecture

Automating a conference submission workflow: integrating the solution

In the previous post, I described a poster child for automation: managing the repetitive tasks around a conference submission workflow. I wrote about the setup, and how to use ngrok to redirect webhooks to my computer. This week, I’d like to write about some of the hiccups I encountered along the way. Registering a Trello webhook Most SaaS providers allow to register webhooks through their GUI. This is the case of GitHub for example: it’s located in the Settings  Webhooks men

automation workflow architecture

Automating a conference submission workflow: the setup

Even given the current situation, part of my Developer Advocate job is to talk at (virtual) conferences. Sometimes, organizers invite me. Yet, most of the times, I need to take part in a CfP. With the sheer numbers of conferences I submit to, I need a tool to manage the status of each submission. Since I started, Trello has been my tool of choice. I’ve a dedicated board with several defined columns: backlog, abandoned, submitted, rejected, submitted and done. A conference is a card that I m

automation deployment

Deployit, deployment automation made easy

Two weeks ago, I attended the first Swiss JDuchess workshop in Geneva. It was about Deployit, a software to enable continuous deployment. I had already been introduced to it at Devoxx France 2012, and it had been a surprise…​ a very good one. Unfortunately, the workshop was a failure, at least for me: I couldn’t import the provided Virtual Machine. Given the very positive feedback of the other attendees, I decided to run it some time later at home. This time, it worked like a