blockchain ethereum testing framework truffle

Starting with Ethereum - Industrialization

This is the 5th post in the Starting Ethereum focus series. This post is part of a series dedicated on starting development with the Ethereum blockchain. Last week, we finally developed a contract providing some value in the form of a rough-around-the-edges voting application. Ethereum comes with no tools aimed at state-of-the-art software development out-of-the-box. Since this is a huge issue, there’s third-party tooling available in the form of the Truffle framework.

blockchain ethereum

Starting with Ethereum - Setup

This is the 1st post in the Starting Ethereum focus series. Many people know about Bitcoin, because of its recent rise (and soon crash?). However, Bitcoin is just a currency, albeit a crypto one. As such, it’s of very limited interest to me. But it’s based on the concept of blockchain and that seems to be much more interesting. While there are a lot of resources available on the Web regarding blockchain, they mainly focus on the concept of blockchain, or how it works internally, not s