
Back to basics: encapsulating collections

Younger, I learned there were 3 properties of the Object-Oriented paradigm: EncapsulationInheritancePolymorphism In Java, encapsulation is implemented through usage of private attributes with accessors methods commonly known as getters and setters. Whether this is proper encapsulation is subject to debate and is outside the scope of this article. However, using this method to attain encapsulation when the attribute is a collection (of types java.util.Collection, java.util.Map and their subtypes


Extrinsic vs intrinsic equality

The following article is purely theoretical. I don’t know if it fits a real-life use-case, but the point is just too good to miss :-) Java’s List sorting has two flavors: one follows the natural ordering of collection objects, the other requires an external comparator. In the first case, Java assumes objects are naturally ordered. From a code point of view, this means types of objects in the list must implement the Comparable interface. For example, such is the case for String