GitLab GitLab pages

GitLab Pages preview

When I write Apache APISIX-related blog posts, I want my colleagues to review them first. However, it’s my blog, and since I mix personal and business posts, I want to keep them from the repository. I need a preview, accessible only to a few, something like Vercel’s preview. I’m using GitLab Pages, and there’s no such out-of-the-box feature. I tried two methods: GitHub gists and PDFs. Both have issues. Gists don’t display as nicely as the final page. I tried to i

GitLab DevOps Continuous Deployment

Conditional build on GitLab

Regular readers of this blog know that I’m using Jekyll to generate the static site. I’m using GitLab: when I push on the master branch, it triggers the generation job. However, Jekyll is Ruby-based and requires a couple of Gem dependencies. I’ve also added a few plugins. For this reason, I’ve created a Docker image with all required dependencies. Regularly, I update the versions in the Gemfile.lock via Bundler. Afterward, I need to rebuild the Docker image. Hence, two

GitLab Continuous Deployment Docker Kaniko DevOps

GitLab as your Continuous Deployment one-stop shop

This week, I want to take a break from my Start Rust series and focus on a different subject. I’ve already written about my blogging stack in detail. However, I didn’t touch into one facet, and that facet is how I generate the static pages from Jekyll. As I describe in the blog post, I’ve included quite a couple of customizations. Some of them require external dependencies, such as: A JRE for PlantUML diagrams generationThe graphviz package for the same reasonetc. All in all

Git cloud GitHub GitLab Bitbucket

Git service providers comparison

Since its inception, the attitude of GitHub toward repositories was to allow unlimited public repositories, while make private ones paying. Whether it’s a consequence of Microsoft’s acquisition or not, this stance changed recently: GitHub announced private repositories were also made free, for up to 3 contributors. There was a lot of celebration on the Web, but not from my side. This move looks more like a (desperate?) move to keep developers on GitHub. Whether that’s the case