Docker optimization Gemfile npm

Layering your Docker images with dependencies

Since already some years, this site uses the Jekyll static site generator. Generating the complete site takes about 15 minutes. Some time ago, I decided to setup Gulp to minimize HTML in order to speed up page view for readers. This change added about 10 minutes to the build time, for a total of ~25 minutes, which is a long time…​ too long. I wanted to decrease the build time, so I decided to play around. The initial state A Docker image is used to build the site. The image is bas

container build optimization

Strategies for optimizing Maven Docker images

Last week, I wrote on how to design a generic Docker image for Maven-based auto-executable webapps. The designed build file has 3 different stages: checkout from Github, build with Maven and execute with Java. The Maven build stage takes quite a long time, mostly due to: Executing testsDownloading dependencies Tests can be executed earlier in the build chain - then skipped for Docker, this post will focus on speeding up the download of the dependencies. Let’s check each option in turn.

css javascript optimization webjars wro4j

WebJars and wro4j integration

WebJars is an easy way for server-side developers (such as your humble servant) to manage client-side resources such as Bootstrap, jQuery and their like, within the same package management tool they use for their server-side libraries. In essence, what WebJars does is package a set version of the client-side resource (CSS or JavaScript) in the META-INF/resources of a JAR and upload it on Maven Central. Then, any Java EE compatible web-container makes the resource available under a static URL. F