Voxxed Days Belgrade
Serbia Belgrade

Spring Boot and Kotlin, a match made in Heaven

Despite being very new, spring boot has seen a spectacular start as an amazing kickstarter for spring-based application. You can now start your project in a matter of minutes, not days! On the other hand, you're still using Java, with all its ceremony regarding code... Wouldn't it be great if we could pair Spring Boot with a powerful yet simple language? In this talk, I'll live code a Spring Boot application using Kotlin, the friendly language provided by JetBrains. Come discover how you can now cut through all the red tape and finally focus only the important stuff.

Ukraine Kharkiv

Integration Testing from the Trenches - Rebooted

Years after Kent Beck provided JUnit, unit testing is part of most developer teams tooling. However, there's a trend that tends to threaten unit testing, claiming only integration testing can truly detects defects in software. In this talk, we will first define what unit testing and integration testing are, and their respective pros, cons and uses. Then, we will have a look at the unique challenges posed by integration testing. Finally, tools and techniques will be presented to somewhat remedy to that so that integration testing becomes a true asset in each software developer bag of tricks.

Ukraine Lviv

Spring Boot under the Hood

Spring Boot is a stack enabling you to kickstart your Spring application in a matter of minutes. It has been a resounding success among both developers already using Spring and microservices adopters. Favoring Spring Boot over the traditional Spring framework comes at a cost, though: you have to let Boot in control and some like to know everything what happens. Come to this talk to discover about auto-configuration and the different flavors of conditionals by creating our own Spring Boot starter. After this talk, you’ll be able to understand Spring Boot internals and develop your own starter dependency.

Ukraine Lviv

Spring Boot and Kotlin, a match made in Heaven

Despite being very new, Spring Boot has seen a spectacular start as an amazing kickstarter for spring-based application. You can now start your project in a matter of minutes, not days! On the other hand, you’re still using Java, with all its ceremony regarding code... Wouldn’t it be great if we could pair Spring Boot with a powerful yet simple language? In this talk, I’ll live code a Spring Boot application using Kotlin, the friendly language provided by JetBrains. Come discover how you can now cut through all the red tape and finally focus only the important stuff.

Ukraine Kiev

Spring Boot under the Hood

Spring Boot is a stack enabling you to kickstart your Spring application in a matter of minutes. It has been a resounding success among both developers already using Spring and microservices adopters. Favoring Spring Boot over the traditional Spring framework comes at a cost, though: you have to let Boot in control and some like to know everything what happens. Come to this talk to discover about auto-configuration and the different flavors of conditionals. After this talk, you’ll be able to understand Spring Boot internals and develop your own starter dependency.

Poland Cracow

Supercharge your Android-Fu with Kotlin

For some time, I've been teaching myself Android by developing an application. I tried to use the 'right' development stack with libraries such as Dagger 2 and Butterknife. Kotlin is a JMV-based language provided by JetBrains, along with Anko, a library using Kotlin dedicated for Android. At first, I just wanted to play with both, but I quickly became convinced those were right choices. In this talk, I will show what you can achieve with both so you can supercharge your Android-Fu.

Voxxed Days Ticino
Switzerland Lugano

Spring Boot for Devops

Spring Boot is a product from Spring, that provides many configuration defaults for a new Spring project, so that one can set up a project in minutes. However, this is only one of the many features of Spring Boot. One of its module also provides many important Non-Functional Requirements out-of-the-box: monitoring, metrics, exposing those over HTTP, etc. In this presentation, I’ll demo some of those, that will make DevOps more than a little happy. Comments: DevOps that don’t know about Spring Boot should. Out-of-the-box features are priceless and include metrics, healthchecks, hearbeat and more.

Russian Federation Moscow

Refactoring your legacy code for better maintainability

Though the code is written once, it’s read ten or hundred of times during the lifetime of an application. Thus, the way to write code is very important for maintainability. However, for various reasons, sometimes developers don’t write the most maintainable code: hence, it’s necessary to be able to rewrite this code when there’s time. In this live demo, I’ll show you techniques and tools to help you refactor in the safest way.

Sweden Göteborg

Integration Testing from the Trenches

Years after Kent Beck provided JUnit, unit testing is part of most developer teams tooling. However, there's a trend that tends to threaten unit testing, claiming only integration testing can truly detects defects in software. In this talk, we will first define what unit testing and integration testing are, and their respective pros, cons and uses. Then, we will have a look at the unique challenges posed by integration testing. Finally, tools and techniques will be presented to somewhat remedy to that so that integration testing becomes a true asset in each software developer bag of tricks.

Sweden Göteborg

Spring Boot for DevOps

Spring Boot is a product from Spring, that provides many configuration defaults for a new Spring project, so that one can set up a project in minutes. However, this is only one of the many features of Spring Boot. One of its module also provides many important Non-Functional Requirements out-of-the-box: monitoring, metrics, exposing those over HTTP, etc. In this presentation, I'll demo some of those, that will make DevOps more than a little happy.

Riga Dev Days
Latvia Riga

Automated Android CI, how hard can it be?

I'm not an Android developer by far, but I've been working in a mobile development team as the DevOps guy, which basically translates to do anything that is not related to development proper. When I was introduced to the team, they had hacked something on a Bamboo server, based on custom Python scripts that uploaded the binaries to a Hockeykit server, completely decoupled from the Maven build and the Nexus repository. The they decided to switch to Gradle... In this presentation, I will describe how I migrated from this situation to a standard build on a full-fledged Jenkins server and more importantly the pain points I encountered regarding the provisioning of Gradle , the updates of the Android SDK platforms, extras and repositories and the management of Robolectric behind the entreprise proxy.

Riga Dev Days
Latvia Riga

Integration Testing from the Trenches

When one uses Test-Driven Development, has more then 90% test coverage and the best Sonar metrics ever seen, and still finds regular bugs in his application, it is time for something more. Unit Testing is like testing a car's every nuts and bolts while Integration Testing is like leading it on a test drive: one cannot achieve high internal quality without the other. However, Integration Testing might seem very complex when put in place for the first several times; I have made many mistakes and have lost much time. In this presentation, I will present tools that helped me tremendously in Integration Testing, as well as proven tactics to get the best out of your tests.

Croatia Zagreb

Spring Boot under the Hood

Spring Boot is a stack enabling you to kickstart your Spring application in a matter of minutes. It has been a resounding success among both developers already using Spring and microservices adopters. Favoring Spring Boot over the traditional Spring framework comes at a cost, though: you have to let Boot in control and some like to know everything what happens. Come to this talk to discover about auto-configuration and the different flavors of conditionals. After this talk, you’ll be able to understand Spring Boot internals and develop your own starter dependency.

Croatia Zagreb

Mutation Testing for Everyone

Unit testing ensures your production code is relevant. But what does ensure your testing code is relevant? Come discover mutation testing and make sure your never forget another assert again. In the realm of testing, the code coverage metrics is the most often talked about. However, it doesn’t mean that the test has been useful or even that an assert has been coded. Mutation testing is a strategy to make sure that the test code is relevant. In this talk, I will explain how Code Coverage is computed and what its inherent flaw is. Afterwards, I will describe how Mutation Testing work and how it helps pointing out code that is tested but leave out corner cases. I will also demo PIT, a Java production-grade framework that enables Mutation Testing on a simple code base.

France Grenoble

The Dark Side of Microservices

Who can ignore microservices in 2015? Everybody is talking about them and telling how they will save your projects and your organization. However, nobody is telling you about the cost of implementing microservices. This talk will be organized in 3 parts: In the first part, I will show what benefits you can expect from using microservices; then let you decide by yourself if you are in the case you need them. In the second part, I will highlight the consequences of what using microservices imply, both in terms of organization and from a technical point of view. Despite all of this, the last part will contain a glimmer of hope. I will present some features of libraries that you can already use right now though you don't have the latest hype architecture. After attending this talk, you'll be able to decide by yourself whether microservices is the right architecture for you.