PyCon Indonesia

A Guided Tour of Caching Patterns

When your application starts slowing down, the reason is probably a bottleneck somewhere in the execution chain. Sometimes, this bottleneck is due to a bug. Sometimes, somebody didn’t set up the optimal configuration. And sometimes, the process of fetching the data is the bottleneck. One option would be to change your whole architecture. Before moving to such a drastic, and probably expensive measure, one can consider a trade-off: instead of getting remote data every time, you can store the data locally after the first read. This is the trade-off that caching offers: stale data vs. speed. Deciding to use caching is just the first step in a long journey. The next step is to think about how your application and the cache will interact. This talk focuses on your options regarding those interactions.

The Developer's Conference

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

The Developer's Conference

Exploring and visualization your data with no hassle

A lot, if not all, data science projects end up requiring some sort of data visualization front-end to display the results for humans to analyze. Python seems to boast the most powerful libraries, but do not lose hope if you're a Java developer (or if you're proficient in another language as well). In this talk, I'm going to describe how you can benefit from such a data visualization front-end without writing a single line of code.

Kotlin Koders
France Paris

From annotation-based configuration to functional in Spring Boot apps with Kotlin

In the latest years, there has been some push-back against frameworks, and more specifically annotations: some call them magic. Obviously, they make understanding the flow of the application harder. Spring and Spring Boot latest versions go along this trend, by offering an additional way to configure beans with explicit code instead of annotations. It’s declarative in the sense it looks like configuration, though it’s based on Domain-Specific Language(s). This talk aims to demo a step-by-step process to achieve that.

Kotlin Dev Day
The Netherlands Amsterdam

Designing a DSL with Kotlin

Kotlin is one of those 'new' JVM languages that are currently rocking the boat. Although it’s made a great impact on Android, it’s equally good on the server side. As Domain-Specific Languages are constrained by the language they run on, Kotlin frees developers from Java fluent builders to propose something better. Using the Vaadin web framework as an example, I’ll demo how one could design its own DSL with Kotlin.


A Guided Tour of Caching Patterns

When your application starts slowing down, the reason is probably a bottleneck somewhere in the execution chain. Sometimes, this bottleneck is due to a bug. Sometimes, somebody didn’t set up the optimal configuration. And sometimes, the process of fetching the data is the bottleneck. One option would be to change your whole architecture. Before moving to such a drastic, and probably expensive measure, one can consider a trade-off: instead of getting remote data every time, you can store the data locally after the first read. This is the trade-off that caching offers: stale data vs. speed. Deciding to use caching is just the first step in a long journey. The next step is to think about how your application and the cache will interact. This talk focuses on your options regarding those interactions.

DevOps D-Day
France Marseille

Un cas d'utilisation de CDC : un cache toujours à jour

Lorsque votre application affiche de mauvaises performances, il est facile de configurer un cache en façade de votre base de données SQL Ca ne corrige pas la cause principale (par exemple, une mauvaise conception de schéma, une mauvaise requête SQL, etc.) mais ca permet de continuer à utiliser l'application de manière norminale Si cette dernière est le seul composant qui écrit dans la base de données sous-jacente, il est facile de mettre à jour le cache en conséquence, afin que celui-ci soit toujours à jour avec les données de la base La situation se complique lorsque l'application n'est pas le seul composant à écrire Parmi les autres sources d'écritures, on peut citer les traitements par lot, d'autres applications (des bases de données partagées existent malheureusement), etc On oeut imaginer plusieurs manières pour conserver les données synchronisées : interroger la base de données de temps en temps, des triggers, etc Malheureusement, toutes ces approches ont des problèmes qui les rendent peu fiables et / ou fragiles Vous avez peut-être déjà entendu parler de Change-Data-Capture ? CDC a été décrit par Martin Kleppmann comme turning the database inside out : cela signifie que la base de données peut être utilisée pour envoyer des événements de modification (SELECT, DELETE et UPDATE) auxquels on peut s'abonner A l'opposé de Event Sourcing qui agrège les événements pour produire l'état, CDC consiste à extraire les événements de l'état Une fois CDC implémenté, on peut s'abonner aux événements et mettre à jour le cache en conséquence Cependant, CDC en est à ses débuts et les implémentations sont assez spécifiques Dans cette présentation, je décrirai une architecture typique qui exploite CDC pour bénéficier d'un cache toujours à jour

Automation + DevOps Summit

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Agile+DevOps East

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Payara Global Meetup

Query your Hazelcast Data with SQL within Payara Micro

The Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid is an efficient way of storing data in a distributed way within the memory of the different processes of the cluster. The distributed design, however, means that searching the data locally in your process is not efficient. All data needs to be ‘moved’ to your instance so that it can be accessed. Hazelcast allows distributed queries so that the search is performed where the data is, and only the results are transferred to your process. With Hazelcast SQL, the Distributed Query capabilities are wrapped in another well-known concept by developers and easier to use. Since the Payara products already use Hazelcast IMDG, using the Hazelcast SQL capabilities is straightforward. You only need to add the additional JAR library and can start using it.

Open Source Experience
France Paris

Déploiement sans interruption sur Kubernetes

Kubernetes permet de faire beaucoup de choses. Quand on voit ses fonctionnalités, on s’imagine qu’il simplifie comme par magie les processus de déploiement applicatif. Bonne nouvelle : c’est bien le cas pour les applications Hello World ! Mais rares sont ceux qui les déploient au quotidien, car il faut gérer l’état. Certes, il serait beaucoup plus facile d’avoir des applications stateless, mais malgré tous nos efforts dans cette voie, l’état perdure, à (au moins) deux endroits : les sessions et les bases de données. Vous devez penser à conserver l’état lors de l’arrêt et du démarrage des nœuds d’application. Aujourd’hui, je vais vous montrer comment mettre à jour une application Spring Boot déployée sur un cluster Kubernetes, avec une modification non triviale du schéma de base de données à l’aide de Hazelcast, sans interrompre le service tout au long du processus.

JUG Oberpfalz

Securing the JVM - Neither for fun nor for profit, but do you have a choice?

The Java API allows a lot: sending packets over the network, compiling code, etc. If you put an application in an production environment, you need to make sure it doesn’t do more than it’s supposed to do. Consider a Java application in a private banking system. A new network administrator is hired, and while going around, he notices that the app is making network calls to an unknown external endpoint. After some investigation, it’s found that this app has been sending for years confidential data to a competitor (or a state, or hackers, whatever). This is awkward. Especially since it could have been avoided. Code reviews are good to improve the hardening of an application, but what if the malicious code was planted purposely? Some code buried in a commit could extract code from binary content, compile it on the fly, and then execute the code in the same JVM run... By default, the JVM is not secured! Securing the JVM for a non-trivial application is complex and time-consuming but the risks of not securing it could be disastrous. In this talk, I’ll show some of the things you could do in an unsecured JVM. I’ll also explain the basics of securing it, and finally demo a working process on how to do it.

The Netherlands Ede

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Elastic EMEA Virtual

Low-code exploration and visualization of your data

A lot, if not all, data science projects end up requiring some sort of data visualization front-end to display the results for humans to analyze. Python seems to boast the most powerful libraries, but do not lose hope if you're a Java developer (or if you're proficient in another language as well). In this talk, I'm going to describe how you can benefit from such a data visualization front-end without writing a single line of code.

Elastic User Group

Hazelcast + Kibana = ❤️ pour l'exploration et l'observation de vos données

De nombreux projets utilisant des données, sinon tous, finissent par nécessiter un front-end de visualisation pour afficher les résultats de manière à rendre les données intelligibles par les utilisateurs. Python se vante de fournir des bibliothèques puissantes, mais ne perdez pas espoir si vous êtes un développeur Java (ou d'un autre langage). Dans ce talk, je vais décrire comment vous pouvez bénéficier d'un tel front-end de visualisation, et d'exploration, de données sans écrire une seule ligne de code pour ce dernier.

Voxxed Days Romania

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

Java Make IT

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

All Things Open
USA Raileigh

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Software Architecture Gathering

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Croatia Rovinj

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Croatia Rovinj

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Croatia Rovinj

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

EventSourcing Live

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Cloud Nord

Le guide du routard de la containerisation d'applications Java

Alors que le 'Cloud' devient de plus en plus répandu, le moment est venu d’évaluer comment conteneuriser une application Java. Je suppose que tout à chacun est en mesure d’écrire un fichier Docker pour lancer un JAR. Cependant, chaque fois que le code de l’application change, l’image entière doit être reconstruite. Si le déploiement a lieu dans un cluster Kubernetes, même local, cela augmente d’autant le temps de la boucle de rétroaction. Dans cette présentation basée sur une démo, je présenterai différentes manières de porter une application Java dans un conteneur : Dockerfile, Jib et Cloud Native Buildpacks. Nous verrons également quel type d’image Docker ils génèrent, comment ils utilisent les couches d’images, si ces images sont compatibles avec skaffold, etc.

The National DevOps Conference
United Kingdom London

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Modern Application Development

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

JUG Saxony Day

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Accento Digital
Germany Karlsruhe

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Scenic City Summit

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Scenic City Summit

A Guided Tour of Caching Patterns

When your application starts slowing down, the reason is probably a bottleneck somewhere in the execution chain. Sometimes, this bottleneck is due to a bug. Sometimes, somebody didn’t set up the optimal configuration. And sometimes, the process of fetching the data is the bottleneck. One option would be to change your whole architecture. Before moving to such a drastic, and probably expensive measure, one can consider a trade-off: instead of getting remote data every time, you can store the data locally after the first read. This is the trade-off that caching offers: stale data vs. speed. Deciding to use caching is just the first step in a long journey. The next step is to think about how your application and the cache will interact. This talk focuses on your options regarding those interactions.

Cloud Nord x WeLoveDevs

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Aujourd'hui on peut faire un rolling deployment dans Kubernetes, et mettre une page web statique qui bloque l'accès à l'application pour éviter que son état ne change. Pourtant les utilisateurs sont habitués à des déploiements transparents. Nicolas Fränkel nous explique comment on peut faire tout ça avec Hazelcast, que ce soit l'état de la session, ou l'état de la base de donnée. On va parler de Change Data Capture, de Debezium, de schémas et de rollbacks !

Code Europe
Poland Warsaw

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Java Forum Stuttgart

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Germany Hamburg

A Hitchhicker's Tour to Containerizing a Java application

As 'the Cloud' becomes more and more widespread, now is a good time to assess how you can containerize your Java application. I assume you’re able to write a a Dockerfile around the generated JAR. However, each time the application’s code will change, the whole image will need to be rebuilt. If you’re deploying to a local Kubernetes cluster environment, this increases that much the length of the feedback loop. In this demo-based talk, I’ll present different ways to get your Java app in a container: Dockerfile, Jib, and Cloud Native Buildpacks. We will also have a look at what kind of Docker image they generate, how they layer the images, whether those images are compatible with skaffold, etc.


A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

DevOps Days Istanbul

Your own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.

PyCon India

A walk through Caching Patterns

When your application starts slowing down, the reason is probably a bottleneck somewhere in the execution chain. Sometimes, this bottleneck is due to a bug. Sometimes, somebody didn’t set up the optimal configuration. And sometimes, the process of fetching the data is the bottleneck. One option would be to change your whole architecture. Before moving to such a drastic, and probably expensive measure, one can consider a trade-off: instead of getting remote data every time, you can store the data locally after the first read. This is the trade-off that caching offers: stale data vs. speed. Deciding to use caching is just the first step in a long journey. The next step is to think about how your application and the cache will interact. This talk focuses on your options regarding those interactions.

Java Forum Nord
Germany Hannover

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

PyCon Odessa
Ukraine Odessa

A Walkthrough of Python Apps Caching Patterns

When your application starts slowing down, the reason is probably a bottleneck somewhere in the execution chain. Sometimes, this bottleneck is due to a bug. Sometimes, somebody didn’t set up the optimal configuration. And sometimes, the process of fetching the data is the bottleneck. One option would be to change your whole architecture. Before moving to such a drastic, and probably expensive measure, one can consider a trade-off: instead of getting remote data every time, you can store the data locally after the first read. This is the trade-off that caching offers: stale data vs. speed. Deciding to use caching is just the first step in a long journey. The next step is to think about how your application and the cache will interact. This talk focuses on your options regarding those interactions.

TestCon Europe
Lithuania Vilnius

Integration Testing from the Trenches - Rebooted

Years after Kent Beck provided JUnit, unit testing is part of most developer teams tooling. However, there’s a trend that tends to threaten unit testing, claiming only integration testing can truly detects defects in software. In this talk, we will first define what unit testing and integration testing are, and their respective pros, cons and uses. Then, we will have a look at the unique challenges posed by integration testing. Finally, tools and techniques will be presented to somewhat remedy to that so that integration testing becomes a true asset in each software developer bag of tricks.

Infobip Shift
Croatia Zadar

Zero-downtime deployment on Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Experts Live Austria
Austria Linz

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

DevConf US

Introduction to Data Streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

DevOps India

Your own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.

Code PaLOUsa

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Code PaLOUsa

A Guided Tour of Caching Patterns

When your application starts slowing down, the reason is probably a bottleneck somewhere in the execution chain. Sometimes, this bottleneck is due to a bug. Sometimes, somebody didn’t set up the optimal configuration. And sometimes, the process of fetching the data is the bottleneck. One option would be to change your whole architecture. Before moving to such a drastic, and probably expensive measure, one can consider a trade-off: instead of getting remote data every time, you can store the data locally after the first read. This is the trade-off that caching offers: stale data vs. speed. Deciding to use caching is just the first step in a long journey. The next step is to think about how your application and the cache will interact. This talk focuses on your options regarding those interactions.

QA Global Summit

Mutation Testing to the Rescue of your Tests

Unit testing ensures your production code is relevant. But what does ensure your testing code is relevant? Come discover mutation testing and make sure your never forget another assert again. In the realm of testing, the code coverage metrics is the most often talked about. However, it doesn't mean that the test has been useful or even that an assert has been coded. Mutation testing is a strategy to make sure that the test code is relevant. In this talk, we will explain how Code Coverage is computed, what its inherent flaw is and how Mutation Testing can help us in this regard.

Human Talks à Distance

Un CV de dévelopeur toujours à jour

On dit que GitHub est le CV d'un développeur. Un rapide coup d'œil à votre historique de commit et les recruteurs savent tout de vous. Cette approche comporte quelques problèmes. La plupart des entreprises ne publient même pas leur code sous une licence Open Source. Si vous travaillez pour l'une d'entre elles, et si vous n'êtes pas un développeur Open Source les soirs et les week-ends, alors vous n'avez aucune chance. Récemment, GitHub a permis un certain degré de personnalisation de son profil. Ainsi, même si votre historique de commit a plus de blanc que de vert, vous pouvez fournir un bon point d'entrée pour les employeurs potentiels. Mais ça ne vaut que l'effort que vous y mettez et les données perdent leur valeur rapidement. Pourtant, avec un peu de travail et l'aide d'outils d'automatisation (tels que GitHub Actions), vous pouvez présenter un profil toujours à jour. Dans ce talk rapide, je vais vous présenter comment le faire, en utilisant mon propre projet comme exemple.

ApacheCon Asia

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.


Migrating from Imperative to Reactive

From Wikipedia, Reactive Programming is 'a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.' The programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’ll demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application written in Kotlin to coroutines one step at a time via a hands-on demo.

DevOps Underground

Your own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.

Madrid Java User Group

Migrating from Imperative to Reactive

From Wikipedia, Reactive Programming is 'a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.' The programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’ll demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application written in Kotlin to coroutines one step at a time via a hands-on demo.

Cloud-Native Community Group Bengaluru

Zero-downtime deployment on Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.


Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes and Hazelcast

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Poland Warsaw

A Hitchhicker's Tour to Containerizing a Java application

As 'the Cloud' becomes more and more widespread, now is a good time to assess how you can containerize your Java application. I assume you’re able to write a a Dockerfile around the generated JAR. However, each time the application’s code will change, the whole image will need to be rebuilt. If you’re deploying to a local Kubernetes cluster environment, this increases that much the length of the feedback loop. In this demo-based talk, I’ll present different ways to get your Java app in a container: Dockerfile, Jib, and Cloud Native Buildpacks. We will also have a look at what kind of Docker image they generate, how they layer the images, whether those images are compatible with skaffold, etc.

France Paris

Un cas d'utilisation de CDC : un cache toujours à jour

Lorsque votre application affiche de mauvaises performances, il est facile de configurer un cache en façade de votre base de données SQL. Ca ne corrige pas la cause principale (par exemple, une mauvaise conception de schéma, une mauvaise requête SQL, etc.) mais ca permet de continuer à utiliser l'application de manière norminale. Si cette dernière est le seul composant qui écrit dans la base de données sous-jacente, il est facile de mettre à jour le cache en conséquence, afin que celui-ci soit toujours à jour avec les données de la base. La situation se complique lorsque l'application n'est pas le seul composant à écrire. Parmi les autres sources d'écritures, on peut citer les traitements par lot, d'autres applications (des bases de données partagées existent malheureusement), etc. On peut imaginer plusieurs manières pour conserver les données synchronisées : interroger la base de données de temps en temps, des triggers, etc. Malheureusement, toutes ces approches ont des problèmes qui les rendent peu fiables et / ou fragiles. Vous avez peut-être déjà entendu parler de Change-Data-Capture. CDC a été décrit par Martin Kleppmann comme turning the database inside out : cela signifie que la base de données peut être utilisée pour envoyer des événements de modification (SELECT, DELETE et UPDATE) auxquels on peut s'abonner. A l'opposé de Event Sourcing qui agrège les événements pour produire l'état, CDC consiste à extraire les événements de l'état. Une fois CDC implémenté, on peut s'abonner aux événements et mettre à jour le cache en conséquence. Cependant, CDC en est à ses débuts et les implémentations sont assez spécifiques. Dans cette présentation, je décrirai une architecture typique qui exploite CDC pour bénéficier d'un cache toujours à jour.

Cloud Ouest

Une migration vers le Cloud pragmatique : Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast et GraalVM en action

Par le passé, beaucoup ont annoncé que Java mourrait mais que la JVM serait son héritage. Effectivement, celle-ci a connu un énorme succès. Wikipédia répertorie de nombreux langages qui s'exécutent dessus, certains d'entre eux proches de Java p.e. Kotlin, d'autres plus éloignés comme Clojure. Mais de nos jours, le Cloud devient omniprésent. La conteneurisation est le moyen d'éviter de retrouver prisonnier des technologies propriétaires des fournisseurs. Kubernetes est devenu la plateforme de référence. Si Kubernetes doit tuer un conteneur pour une raison quelconque (consommation de ressources, etc.), un nouveau doit le remplacer le plus rapidement possible. Dans ce contexte, la JVM semble être une impasse : son temps de démarrage est élevé par rapport à un processus natif. De même, elle consomme beaucoup de mémoire ce qui ne fait qu'augmenter la facture mensuelle. Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour nous les développeurs ? Tout le temps consacré à l'apprentissage de l'écosystème JVM a-t-il été investi sans espoir de retour sur investissement ? Devrons-nous investir encore plus de temps dans de nouveaux langages, frameworks, bibliothèques, etc. ? C'est certainement une possibilité Mais nous pouvons également tirer parti de nos connaissances existantes et adopter le Cloud et les conteneurs à l'aide de certains outils. Dans cette présentation, je vais créer un raccourcisseur d'URL simple avec une pile "standard" : Kotlin, JAX-RS et Hazelcast. Ensuite, avec l'aide de Quarkus et de GraalVM, je transformerai cette application en un exécutable natif où tout la partie liée au Cloud / Container est gérée dans le processus de construction.

Cloud Ouest

Un déploiement Zéro downtime sur Kubernetes

Kubernetes apporte une multitude de fonctionnalités. Après avoir découvert celles-ci, il est facile de penser qu'il peut transformer par magie le processus de déploiement de votre application en un non-événement indolore. Pour les applications Hello World, c'est effectivement le cas. Malheureusement, peu d'entre nous déploient de telles applications au jour le jour car elles manipulent des données - le fameux état (state). Bien qu'il soit beaucoup plus facile de gérer des applications sans état, et malgré tous nos efforts dans ce sens, l'état se trouve (au moins) à deux endroits : les sessions utilisateurs et les bases de données. Nous devons conserver l'état entre l'arrêt et démarrage des pods applicatifs. Dans cette présentation, je montrerai comment mettre à jour une application déployée sur un cluster Kubernetes avec un changement de schéma de base de données non trivial tout en gardant le service actif pendant tout le processus de mise à jour. J'utiliserai une application Java/Spring Boot et m'appuyerai sur la technologie Hazelcast mais les leçons sont généralisables à d'autres piles technologiques.

JUG Torino

Migrating from Imperative to Reactive

From Wikipedia, Reactive Programming is 'a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.' The programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’ll demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application written in Kotlin to coroutines one step at a time via a hands-on demo.


Migrating from Imperative to Reactive

From Wikipedia, Reactive Programming is 'a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.' The programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’ll demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application written in Kotlin to coroutines one step at a time via a hands-on demo.


Pragmatic App Migration to the Cloud: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.


Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

The Developer's Conference

A Guided Tour of Caching Patterns

When your application starts slowing down, the reason is probably a bottleneck somewhere in the execution chain. Sometimes, this bottleneck is due to a bug. Sometimes, somebody didn’t set up the optimal configuration. And sometimes, the process of fetching the data is the bottleneck. One option would be to change your whole architecture. Before moving to such a drastic, and probably expensive measure, one can consider a trade-off: instead of getting remote data every time, you can store the data locally after the first read. This is the trade-off that caching offers: stale data vs. speed. Deciding to use caching is just the first step in a long journey. The next step is to think about how your application and the cache will interact. This talk focuses on your options regarding those interactions.


A Guided Tour to Caching Patterns

When your application starts slowing down, the reason is probably a bottleneck somewhere in the execution chain. Sometimes, this bottleneck is due to a bug. Sometimes, somebody didn’t set up the optimal configuration. And sometimes, the process of fetching the data is the bottleneck. One option would be to change your whole architecture. Before moving to such a drastic, and probably expensive measure, one can consider a trade-off: instead of getting remote data every time, you can store the data locally after the first read. This is the trade-off that caching offers: stale data vs. speed. Deciding to use caching is just the first step in a long journey. The next step is to think about how your application and the cache will interact. This talk focuses on your options regarding those interactions.

JetBrains Events

From MVC to Reactive

The Reactive Programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with its API. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how to migrate a traditional Spring Boot application that uses WebMVC, Spring Data JPA, and Spring Cache to its Reactive equivalent in a step-by-step process.

JUG Hambourg

3 easy improvements in your Microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

SpainClouds Summit

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes and Hazelcast

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

4 Developers

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

4 Developers

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.


Migrating from Imperative to Reactive

From Wikipedia, Reactive Programming is 'a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.' The programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’ll demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application written in Kotlin to coroutines one step at a time via a hands-on demo.

DevSecOps Conf

Pragmatic App Migration to the Cloud: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.

DevFest Live

Pragmatic App Migration to the Cloud: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.

Code Motion Online

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Java User Group Day del Trentino Alto Adige Südtirol

3 easy performance improvements in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

Percona Live Online

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

DevOps Pro Europe
Lithuania Vilnius

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes and Hazelcast

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.


Pragmatic App Migration to the Cloud: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.

Great International Developer Summit

A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Caching Patterns

When your application starts slowing down, the reason is probably a bottleneck somewhere in the execution chain. Sometimes, this bottleneck is due to a bug. Sometimes, somebody didn’t set up the optimal configuration. And sometimes, the process of fetching the data is the bottleneck. One option would be to change your whole architecture. Before moving to such a drastic, and probably expensive measure, one can consider a trade-off: instead of getting remote data every time, you can store the data locally after the first read. This is the trade-off that caching offers: stale data vs. speed. Deciding to use caching is just the first step in a long journey. The next step is to think about how your application and the cache will interact. This talk focuses on your options regarding those interactions.

DeveloperWeek Europe

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes and Hazelcast

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Data Science and Engineering Club

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

3 easy performance improvements in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

Destination: Scale

Zero-downtime deployment on Kubernetes and Hazelcast

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Data Love

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.


Zero-downtime deployment on Kubernetes and Hazelcast

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Messaging & Streaming Switzerland

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Java Global Summit

A Hitchhicker's Tour to Containerizing a Java application

As 'the Cloud' becomes more and more widespread, now is a good time to assess how you can containerize your Java application. I assume you’re able to write a a Dockerfile around the generated JAR. However, each time the application’s code will change, the whole image will need to be rebuilt. If you’re deploying to a local Kubernetes cluster environment, this increases that much the length of the feedback loop. In this demo-based talk, I’ll present different ways to get your Java app in a container: Dockerfile, Jib, and Cloud Native Buildpacks. We will also have a look at what kind of Docker image they generate, how they layer the images, whether those images are compatible with skaffold, etc.


Migrating from Imperative to Reactive in the Cloud

From Wikipedia, Reactive Programming is 'a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.' The programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’ll demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application written in Kotlin to coroutines one step at a time via a hands-on demo.

The Developer's Conference

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

The Developer's Conference

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

NH Cybersecurity Symposium

Securing the JVM - Neither for fun nor for profit, but do you have a choice?

The Java API allows a lot: sending packets over the network, compiling code, etc. If you put an application in an production environment, you need to make sure it doesn’t do more than it’s supposed to do. Consider a Java application in a private banking system. A new network administrator is hired, and while going around, he notices that the app is making network calls to an unknown external endpoint. After some investigation, it’s found that this app has been sending for years confidential data to a competitor (or a state, or hackers, whatever). This is awkward. Especially since it could have been avoided. Code reviews are good to improve the hardening of an application, but what if the malicious code was planted purposely? Some code buried in a commit could extract code from binary content, compile it on the fly, and then execute the code in the same JVM run... By default, the JVM is not secured! Securing the JVM for a non-trivial application is complex and time-consuming but the risks of not securing it could be disastrous. In this talk, I’ll show some of the things you could do in an unsecured JVM. I’ll also explain the basics of securing it, and finally demo a working process on how to do it.

Software Craftsmanship Romandie

Les tests de mutation à la rescousse de vos tests

Les tests unitaires garantissent la pertinence de votre code de production. Mais qu'est-ce qui garantit la pertinence de votre code de test ? Venez découvrir les tests de mutation et assurez-vous de ne plus jamais oublier une autre affirmation. Dans le domaine des tests, la mesure de la couverture du code est le plus souvent évoquée. Toutefois, cela ne signifie pas que le test a été utile ou même qu'une assertion a été codée. Le test de mutation est une stratégie qui permet de s'assurer que le code du test est pertinent. Dans cet exposé, je vais expliquer comment la couverture du code est calculée et quel est son défaut inhérent. Ensuite, je décrirai comment fonctionnent les tests de mutation et comment ils permettent de mettre en évidence le code testé, sans toutefois négliger les cas particuliers. Je ferai également une démonstration de PIT, un cadre de production Java qui permet le test de mutation.

Java User Group - Hyderabad

Migrating from Imperative to Reactive in the Cloud

From Wikipedia, Reactive Programming is 'a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.' The programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’ll demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application written in Kotlin to coroutines one step at a time via a hands-on demo.

The Cloud First

Un cas d'utilisation de Change-Data-Capture : un cache toujours à jour

Lorsque votre application rencontre des problèmes de performance, il est aisé de configurer un cache en façade de la base de données SQL. La mise en place d'un cache ne corrige pas la cause originale des mauvaises performances (par exemple, une mauvaise conception de schéma, une mauvaise requête SQL, etc.) mais permet d'améliorer celles-ci instantanément. Si l'application est le seul composant qui écrit dans la base de données sous-jacente, il est facile de mettre à jour le cache en conséquence, de sorte que le cache soit toujours à jour avec les données de la base de données. Les choses commencent à mal tourner lorsque l'application n'est pas le seul composant à écrire dans la base de données. Par exemple, on peut imaginer un traitement par lot, une autre application (des bases de données partagées existent malheureusement), etc. On peut imaginer différentes manières de garder les données synchronisées, par exemple en interrogeant la base de données de temps en temps, une trigger dans base de données, etc. Toutes ces approches ont des problèmes qui les rendent peu fiables et/ou fragiles. Vous avez peut-être déjà entendu parler de Change-Data-Capture. Le concept a été décrit par Martin Kleppmann comme "un retournement de la base de données" : cela signifie que la base de données peut envoyer des événements de modification (SELECT, DELETE et UPDATE) auxquels on peut s’abonner. De manière diamétralement opposée à l'Event Sourcing qui agrège les événements pour produire un état, CDC consiste à produire des événements à partir de l'état. Une fois le CDC implémenté, on peut s'abonner à ses événements et mettre à jour le cache en conséquence. Cependant, CDC en est à ses débuts et les implémentations sont assez spécifiques. Dans cette présentation, je décrirai une architecture facile à configurer qui exploite CDC pour avoir un cache toujours à jour.

Blue Print LDN

Pragmatic App Migration to the Cloud: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.

Café DevOps Lyon

Zero-downtime deployment on Kubernetes and Hazelcast

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Kotlin London

Migrating from Imperative to Reactive

From Wikipedia, Reactive Programming is 'a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.' The programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’ll demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application written in Kotlin to coroutines one step at a time via a hands-on demo.

BOB Konferenz

A gentle introduction to Stream Processing

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.


Migrating from Imperative to Reactive then Coroutines a Spring Boot application

From Wikipedia, Reactive Programming is 'a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.' The programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’ll demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application written in Kotlin to coroutines one step at a time via a hands-on demo.


Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes and Hazelcast

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.


Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.


An Experiment in Continuous Deployment of JVM applications

A couple of years ago, continuous integration in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since that time, a lot of other tools have been made available. But new tools don’t mean new features, just new ways. Beside that, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime. The only way to achieve zero downtime is to have multiple nodes deployed on a platform, and let that platform achieve that e.g. Kubernetes. And yet, achieving true continuous deployment of bytecode on one single JVM instance is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as changes? What if those changes could be stored in a data store, and a listener on this data store could stream those changes to the running production JVM via the Attach API? In that talk, I’ll demo exactly that using Hazelcast and Hazelcast Jet – but it’s possible to re-use the principles that will be shown using other streaming technologies.

France DevOps

Votre propre opérateur Kubernetes, pas forcément en Go

Dans un contexte Kubernetes, les opérateurs permettent d'étendre l'API à votre guise. Si une tâche nécessite trop de YAML, il est facile de créer un opérateur pour s'occuper de tâches répétitives, et ne nécessite qu'une quantité minimale de YAML. D'un autre côté, depuis ses débuts, le langage Go a été annoncé comme plus proche de la machine, et est maintenant omniprésent dans la programmation de bas niveau. Kubernetes a été réécrit de Java à Go, et tout son écosystème tourne autour de Go. Pour cette raison, il est naturel que Kubernetes fournisse un framework basé sur Go pour créer son opérateur. Bien que cela ait du sens, les organisations souhaitant s'engager dans cette voie doivent avoir des développeurs Go et / ou former leurs équipes à Go. Bien que parfaitement acceptable, ce n'est pas la seule option. En fait, puisque Kubernetes est basé sur REST, pourquoi se contenter de Go et ne pas utiliser votre langage préféré ? Dans cette présentation, je décrirai ce qu’est un opérateur, comment il fonctionne, comment en concevoir un, et enfin faire la démonstration d’un opérateur Java aussi bon qu’un opérateur Go.


Pragmatic App Migration to the Cloud: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.

Devops Summit North America

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes and Hazelcast

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases. You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Micro Sphere

Shorten all URLs: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.


A Hitchhicker's Tour to Containerizing a Java application

As 'the Cloud' becomes more and more widespread, now is a good time to assess how you can containerize your Java application. I assume you’re able to write a a Dockerfile around the generated JAR. However, each time the application’s code will change, the whole image will need to be rebuilt. If you’re deploying to a local Kubernetes cluster environment, this increases that much the length of the feedback loop. In this demo-based talk, I’ll present different ways to get your Java app in a container: Dockerfile, Jib, and Cloud Native Buildpacks. We will also have a look at what kind of Docker image they generate, how they layer the images, whether those images are compatible with skaffold, etc.


Migrating from Imperative to Reactive then Coroutines a Spring Boot application

From Wikipedia, Reactive Programming is 'a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.' The programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’ll demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application written in Kotlin to coroutines one step at a time via a hands-on demo.

Java Global Summit

A Hitchhicker's Tour to Containerizing a Java application

As 'the Cloud' becomes more and more widespread, now is a good time to assess how you can containerize your Java application. I assume you’re able to write a a Dockerfile around the generated JAR. However, each time the application’s code will change, the whole image will need to be rebuilt. If you’re deploying to a local Kubernetes cluster environment, this increases that much the length of the feedback loop. In this demo-based talk, I’ll present different ways to get your Java app in a container: Dockerfile, Jib, and Cloud Native Buildpacks. We will also have a look at what kind of Docker image they generate, how they layer the images, whether those images are compatible with skaffold, etc.

Montréal JUG

Le guide du développeur Java pour conteneuriser

Alors que le ‘Cloud’ devient de plus en plus répandu, le moment est venu d’évaluer comment conteneuriser une application Java. Je suppose que tout à chacun est en mesure d’écrire un fichier Docker pour lancer un JAR. Cependant, chaque fois que le code de l’application change, l’image entière doit être reconstruite. Si le déploiement a lieu dans un cluster Kubernetes, même local, cela augmente d’autant le temps de la boucle de rétroaction. Dans cette présentation basée sur une démo, je présenterai différentes manières de porter une application Java dans un conteneur : Dockerfile, Jib et Cloud Native Buildpacks. Nous verrons également quel type d’image Docker ils génèrent, comment ils utilisent les couches d’images, si ces images sont compatibles avec skaffold, etc.

Worldwide Software Architecture Summit

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Java User Group CH

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Warszawa Java User Group

Securing the JVM - Neither for fun nor for profit, but do you have a choice?

The Java API allows a lot: sending packets over the network, compiling code, etc. If you put an application in an production environment, you need to make sure it doesn’t do more than it’s supposed to do. Consider a Java application in a private banking system. A new network administrator is hired, and while going around, he notices that the app is making network calls to an unknown external endpoint. After some investigation, it’s found that this app has been sending for years confidential data to a competitor (or a state, or hackers, whatever). This is awkward. Especially since it could have been avoided. Code reviews are good to improve the hardening of an application, but what if the malicious code was planted purposely? Some code buried in a commit could extract code from binary content, compile it on the fly, and then execute the code in the same JVM run... By default, the JVM is not secured! Securing the JVM for a non-trivial application is complex and time-consuming but the risks of not securing it could be disastrous. In this talk, I’ll show some of the things you could do in an unsecured JVM. I’ll also explain the basics of securing it, and finally demo a working process on how to do it.

Wrocław Jug Meetup

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Migrating a Traditional Spring Boot App to the Reactive Model

The Reactive programming model is complex to master. It requires a lot of experience to feel comfortable with it. However, there’s no denying that it fits the cloud ecosystem perfectly. Since on-premises infrastructure is oversized, running a program that executes a couple of additional CPU cycles won’t change anything. On the other hand, you will pay for them if you host the same program on third-party infrastructure. Depending on the number of those cycles, and the number of nodes the program runs on, it can make a huge difference in your monthly bill. In this talk, I’d like to demo how you can migrate a traditional sample Spring Boot application to the Reactive model one step at a time.

Electro Monkeys

Gardez votre code simple et stupide

Créer une application ne consiste pas à écrire un code source immuable auquel plus personne ne prêtera attention. Au contraire, c’est un code fait pour être relu, maintenu et modifié. Or si les choses sont très claires en théorie, la pratique est comme toujours beaucoup plus complexe. Aujourd’hui, que nous soyons développeur ou SRE, nous sommes tous confrontés à l’écriture de code. Mais un code qui fait le job est-il nécessairement un bon code ? Est-ce que mon code est clair et compréhensible pour être maintenu par quelqu’un d’autre que moi ? Et en définitive, comment puis-je m’améliorer ?