Continuous Integration devops

Renovate, a Dependabot alternative

I won’t introduce Dependabot. Lots and lots of developers use it daily on GitHub. I do use it as well. However, it suffers from two drawbacks: While it’s perfectly integrated with GitHub, integrations with other platforms are less seamless.It’s limited in the list of ecosystems it supports For example, I generally use Docker Compose files for my demos. When necessary, I use Kubernetes. Dependabot supports none. Worse, Dependabot doesn’t accept contributions to add new eco

Continuous Integration GitHub Action

Customizing your GitHub profile - Building

In the previous post, we had a look on how to write a Kotlin script to automatically write a README that dynamically aggregates various data sources. In this follow-up post, we will describe how to run this script through the use of GitHub Actions. Yet another Continuous Integration tool It has been some time since Hudson, now known as Jenkins, was the leading (only?) Continuous Integration server available on the market. The last years has seen an precambrian explosion of alternatives: Atlas

GitHub Actions Continuous Integration Maven release management

GitHub Actions and Maven releases

I like GitLab a lot. Yet, there’s no denying that GitHub has become the de facto standard to host Open Source projects. With GitHub Actions, it’s now possible to implement entire Continuous Integration pipelines without leaving GitHub. In this post, I’d like to highlight how to release Maven artifacts using GitHub Actions. Maven prerequisites Before creating the CI pipeline - and running it, it’s necessary to configure the underlying Maven project. A quick Maven pr